import importlib import json import time import os import pyaudio import re from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, Response, send_file from flask_cors import CORS import requests import datetime import fay_booter from tts import tts_voice from gevent import pywsgi from scheduler.thread_manager import MyThread from utils import config_util, util from core import wsa_server from core import fay_core from core import content_db from core.interact import Interact from core import member_db import fay_booter from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth from core import qa_service __app = Flask(__name__) auth = HTTPBasicAuth() CORS(__app, supports_credentials=True) def load_users(): try: with open('verifier.json') as f: users = json.load(f) return users except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading users: {e}") return {} users = load_users() @auth.verify_password def verify_password(username, password): if not users or config_util.start_mode == 'common': return True if username in users and users[username] == password: return username def __get_template(): try: return render_template('index.html') except Exception as e: return f"Error rendering template: {e}", 500 def __get_device_list(): try: if config_util.start_mode == 'common': audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() device_list = [] for i in range(audio.get_device_count()): devInfo = audio.get_device_info_by_index(i) if devInfo['hostApi'] == 0: device_list.append(devInfo["name"]) return list(set(device_list)) else: return [] except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting device list: {e}") return [] @__app.route('/api/submit', methods=['post']) def api_submit(): data = request.values.get('data') if not data: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '未提供数据'}) try: config_data = json.loads(data) if 'config' not in config_data: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '数据中缺少config'}) config_util.load_config() existing_config = config_util.config def merge_configs(existing, new): for key, value in new.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and key in existing: if isinstance(existing[key], dict): merge_configs(existing[key], value) else: existing[key] = value else: existing[key] = value merge_configs(existing_config, config_data['config']) config_util.save_config(existing_config) return jsonify({'result': 'successful'}) except json.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '无效的JSON数据'}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': f'保存配置时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/get-data', methods=['post']) def api_get_data(): # 获取配置和语音列表 try: config_util.load_config() voice_list = tts_voice.get_voice_list() send_voice_list = [] if config_util.tts_module == 'ali': voice_list = [ {"id": "abin", "name": "阿斌"}, {"id": "zhixiaobai", "name": "知小白"}, {"id": "zhixiaoxia", "name": "知小夏"}, {"id": "zhixiaomei", "name": "知小妹"}, {"id": "zhigui", "name": "知柜"}, {"id": "zhishuo", "name": "知硕"}, {"id": "aixia", "name": "艾夏"}, {"id": "zhifeng_emo", "name": "知锋_多情感"}, {"id": "zhibing_emo", "name": "知冰_多情感"}, {"id": "zhimiao_emo", "name": "知妙_多情感"}, {"id": "zhimi_emo", "name": "知米_多情感"}, {"id": "zhiyan_emo", "name": "知燕_多情感"}, {"id": "zhibei_emo", "name": "知贝_多情感"}, {"id": "zhitian_emo", "name": "知甜_多情感"}, {"id": "xiaoyun", "name": "小云"}, {"id": "xiaogang", "name": "小刚"}, {"id": "ruoxi", "name": "若兮"}, {"id": "siqi", "name": "思琪"}, {"id": "sijia", "name": "思佳"}, {"id": "sicheng", "name": "思诚"}, {"id": "aiqi", "name": "艾琪"}, {"id": "aijia", "name": "艾佳"}, {"id": "aicheng", "name": "艾诚"}, {"id": "aida", "name": "艾达"}, {"id": "ninger", "name": "宁儿"}, {"id": "ruilin", "name": "瑞琳"}, {"id": "siyue", "name": "思悦"}, {"id": "aiya", "name": "艾雅"}, {"id": "aimei", "name": "艾美"}, {"id": "aiyu", "name": "艾雨"}, {"id": "aiyue", "name": "艾悦"}, {"id": "aijing", "name": "艾婧"}, {"id": "xiaomei", "name": "小美"}, {"id": "aina", "name": "艾娜"}, {"id": "yina", "name": "伊娜"}, {"id": "sijing", "name": "思婧"}, {"id": "sitong", "name": "思彤"}, {"id": "xiaobei", "name": "小北"}, {"id": "aitong", "name": "艾彤"}, {"id": "aiwei", "name": "艾薇"}, {"id": "aibao", "name": "艾宝"}, {"id": "shanshan", "name": "姗姗"}, {"id": "chuangirl", "name": "小玥"}, {"id": "lydia", "name": "Lydia"}, {"id": "aishuo", "name": "艾硕"}, {"id": "qingqing", "name": "青青"}, {"id": "cuijie", "name": "翠姐"}, {"id": "xiaoze", "name": "小泽"}, {"id": "zhimao", "name": "知猫"}, {"id": "zhiyuan", "name": "知媛"}, {"id": "zhiya", "name": "知雅"}, {"id": "zhiyue", "name": "知悦"}, {"id": "zhida", "name": "知达"}, {"id": "zhistella", "name": "知莎"}, {"id": "kelly", "name": "Kelly"}, {"id": "jiajia", "name": "佳佳"}, {"id": "taozi", "name": "桃子"}, {"id": "guijie", "name": "柜姐"}, {"id": "stella", "name": "Stella"}, {"id": "stanley", "name": "Stanley"}, {"id": "kenny", "name": "Kenny"}, {"id": "rosa", "name": "Rosa"}, {"id": "mashu", "name": "马树"}, {"id": "xiaoxian", "name": "小仙"}, {"id": "yuer", "name": "悦儿"}, {"id": "maoxiaomei", "name": "猫小美"}, {"id": "aifei", "name": "艾飞"}, {"id": "yaqun", "name": "亚群"}, {"id": "qiaowei", "name": "巧薇"}, {"id": "dahu", "name": "大虎"}, {"id": "ailun", "name": "艾伦"}, {"id": "jielidou", "name": "杰力豆"}, {"id": "laotie", "name": "老铁"}, {"id": "laomei", "name": "老妹"}, {"id": "aikan", "name": "艾侃"} ] send_voice_list = {"voiceList": voice_list} wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd(send_voice_list) elif config_util.tts_module == 'volcano': voice_list = [ {"id": "BV001_streaming", "name": "通用女声"}, {"id": "BV002_streaming", "name": "通用男声"}, {"id": "zh_male_jingqiangkanye_moon_bigtts", "name": "京腔侃爷/Harmony"}, {"id": "zh_female_shuangkuaisisi_moon_bigtts", "name": "爽快思思/Skye"}, {"id": "zh_male_wennuanahu_moon_bigtts", "name": "温暖阿虎/Alvin"}, {"id": "zh_female_wanwanxiaohe_moon_bigtts", "name": "湾湾小何"} ] send_voice_list = {"voiceList": voice_list} wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd(send_voice_list) else: voice_list = tts_voice.get_voice_list() send_voice_list = [] for voice in voice_list: voice_data = voice.value send_voice_list.append({"id": voice_data['name'], "name": voice_data['name']}) wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"voiceList": send_voice_list}) voice_list = send_voice_list wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"deviceList": __get_device_list()}) if fay_booter.is_running(): wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"liveState": 1}) return json.dumps({'config': config_util.config, 'voice_list': voice_list}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': f'获取数据时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/start-live', methods=['post']) def api_start_live(): # 启动 try: fay_booter.start() time.sleep(1) wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"liveState": 1}) return '{"result":"successful"}' except Exception as e: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': f'启动时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/stop-live', methods=['post']) def api_stop_live(): # 停止 try: fay_booter.stop() time.sleep(1) wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"liveState": 0}) return '{"result":"successful"}' except Exception as e: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': f'停止时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/send', methods=['post']) def api_send(): # 接收前端发送的消息 data = request.values.get('data') if not data: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '未提供数据'}) try: info = json.loads(data) username = info.get('username') msg = info.get('msg') if not username or not msg: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '用户名和消息内容不能为空'}) interact = Interact("text", 1, {'user': username, 'msg': msg}) util.printInfo(3, "文字发送按钮", '{}'.format(["msg"]), time.time()) fay_booter.feiFei.on_interact(interact) return '{"result":"successful"}' except json.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': '无效的JSON数据'}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'result': 'error', 'message': f'发送消息时出错: {e}'}), 500 # 获取指定用户的消息记录 @__app.route('/api/get-msg', methods=['post']) def api_get_Msg(): data = request.form.get('data') if not data: return jsonify({'list': [], 'message': '未提供数据'}) try: data = json.loads(data) uid = member_db.new_instance().find_user(data["username"]) contentdb = content_db.new_instance() if uid == 0: return json.dumps({'list': []}) else: list = contentdb.get_list('all', 'desc', 1000, uid) relist = [] i = len(list) - 1 while i >= 0: timetext = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(list[i][3]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3] relist.append(dict(type=list[i][0], way=list[i][1], content=list[i][2], createtime=list[i][3], timetext=timetext, username=list[i][5], id=list[i][6], is_adopted=list[i][7])) i -= 1 if fay_booter.is_running(): wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"liveState": 1}) return json.dumps({'list': relist}) except json.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({'list': [], 'message': '无效的JSON数据'}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'list': [], 'message': f'获取消息时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/v1/chat/completions', methods=['post']) @__app.route('/api/send/v1/chat/completions', methods=['post']) def api_send_v1_chat_completions(): # 处理聊天完成请求 data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify({'error': '未提供数据'}) try: last_content = "" if 'messages' in data and data['messages']: last_message = data['messages'][-1] username = last_message.get('role', 'User') if username == 'user': username = 'User' last_content = last_message.get('content', 'No content provided') else: last_content = 'No messages found' username = 'User' model = data.get('model', 'fay') observation = data.get('observation', '') interact = Interact("text", 1, {'user': username, 'msg': last_content, 'observation': observation}) util.printInfo(3, "文字沟通接口", '{}'.format(["msg"]), time.time()) text = fay_booter.feiFei.on_interact(interact) if model == 'fay-streaming': return stream_response(text) else: return non_streaming_response(last_content, text) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'error': f'处理请求时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/get-member-list', methods=['post']) def api_get_Member_list(): # 获取成员列表 try: memberdb = member_db.new_instance() list = memberdb.get_all_users() return json.dumps({'list': list}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'list': [], 'message': f'获取成员列表时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/get_run_status', methods=['post']) def api_get_run_status(): # 获取运行状态 try: status = fay_booter.is_running() return json.dumps({'status': status}) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'status': False, 'message': f'获取运行状态时出错: {e}'}), 500 @__app.route('/api/adopt_msg', methods=['POST']) def adopt_msg(): # 采纳消息 data = request.get_json() if not data: return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': '未提供数据'}) id = data.get('id') if not id: return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': 'id不能为空'}) if config_util.config["interact"]["QnA"] == "": return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': '请先设置Q&A文件'}) try: info = content_db.new_instance().get_content_by_id(id) content = info[3] if info else '' if info is not None: previous_info = content_db.new_instance().get_previous_user_message(id) previous_content = previous_info[3] if previous_info else '' result = content_db.new_instance().adopted_message(id) if result: qa_service.QAService().record_qapair(previous_content, content) return jsonify({'status': 'success', 'msg': '采纳成功'}) else: return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': '采纳失败'}), 500 else: return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': '消息未找到'}), 404 except Exception as e: return jsonify({'status':'error', 'msg': f'采纳消息时出错: {e}'}), 500 def stream_response(text): # 处理流式响应 def generate(): for chunk in text_chunks(text): message = { "id": "chatcmpl-8jqorq6Fw1Vi5XoH7pddGGpQeuPe0", "object": "chat.completion.chunk", "created": int(time.time()), "model": "fay-streaming", "choices": [ { "delta": { "content": chunk }, "index": 0, "finish_reason": None } ] } yield f"data: {json.dumps(message)}\n\n" time.sleep(0.1) yield 'data: [DONE]\n\n' return Response(generate(), mimetype='text/event-stream') def non_streaming_response(last_content, text): # 处理非流式响应 return jsonify({ "id": "chatcmpl-8jqorq6Fw1Vi5XoH7pddGGpQeuPe0", "object": "chat.completion", "created": int(time.time()), "model": "fay", "choices": [ { "index": 0, "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": text }, "logprobs": "", "finish_reason": "stop" } ], "usage": { "prompt_tokens": len(last_content), "completion_tokens": len(text), "total_tokens": len(last_content) + len(text) }, "system_fingerprint": "fp_04de91a479" }) def text_chunks(text, chunk_size=20): pattern = r'([^.!?;:,。!?]+[.!?;:,。!?]?)' chunks = re.findall(pattern, text) for chunk in chunks: yield chunk @__app.route('/', methods=['get']) @auth.login_required def home_get(): try: return __get_template() except Exception as e: return f"Error loading home page: {e}", 500 @__app.route('/', methods=['post']) @auth.login_required def home_post(): try: wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"is_connect": wsa_server.get_instance().isConnect}) # TODO 不应放这里,同步数字人连接状态 return __get_template() except Exception as e: return f"Error processing request: {e}", 500 @__app.route('/setting', methods=['get']) def setting(): try: return render_template('setting.html') except Exception as e: return f"Error loading settings page: {e}", 500 # 输出的音频http @__app.route('/audio/') def serve_audio(filename): audio_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "samples", filename) if os.path.exists(audio_file): return send_file(audio_file) else: return jsonify({'error': '文件未找到'}), 404 # 输出的表情gif @__app.route('/robot/') def serve_gif(filename): gif_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "gui", "robot", filename) if os.path.exists(gif_file): return send_file(gif_file) else: return jsonify({'error': '文件未找到'}), 404 def run(): server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(('',5000), __app) server.serve_forever() def start(): MyThread(target=run).start()