#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- """ ngrok.cc 内网穿透服务 Python 版 本程序仅适用于ngrok.cc 使用前请先在 https://ngrok.cc 注册账号. Linux 系统一般自带Python 可以直接运行 赋予权限 chmod 755 sunny.py 感谢 hauntek 提供的 python-ngrok 原版程序 本程序仅供学习交流使用,请勿用于非法用途. Edit by xszyou in 2023-01-31: 1、整体代码重构,便于外部程序调用; 2、修复若干bug; 3、支持ngrok服务器重连及本地端口重连。 """ import socket import ssl import json import struct import random import sys import time import threading from utils import util class NgrokCilent(object): def __init__(self, clientId): self.__running = False self.clientId = clientId self.host = None # Ngrok服务器地址 self.port = None # 端口 self.tunnels = list() # 渠道队列 self.reqIdaddr = dict() self.localaddr = dict() self.bufsize = 1024 # 吞吐量 self.mainsocket = None # 主控socket self.localSocket = None # 本地socket self.remoteSocket = None # 远程socket self.ClientId = '' self.pingtime = 0 # ngrok.cc 获取服务器设置 def update_server_config(self): host = 'www.ngrok.cc' port = 443 try: client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_client = ssl.wrap_socket(client, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) # ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 ssl_client.connect((host, port)) except Exception: util.log(1, 'ngrok连接认证服务器: https://www.ngrok.cc 错误.') time.sleep(10) sys.exit() header = "POST " + "/api/clientid/clientid/%s" + " HTTP/1.1" + "\r\n" header += "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n" header += "Host: %s" + "\r\n" header += "\r\n" buf = header % (self.clientId, host) ssl_client.sendall(buf.encode('utf-8')) # 发送请求头 fd = ssl_client.makefile('rb', 0) body = bytes() while True: line = fd.readline().decode('utf-8') if line == "\n" or line == "\r\n": chunk_size = int(fd.readline(), 16) if chunk_size > 0: body = fd.read(chunk_size).decode('utf-8') break ssl_client.close() authData = json.loads(body) if authData['status'] != 200: util.log(1, 'ngrok认证错误:%s, ErrorCode:%s' % (authData['msg'], authData['status'])) time.sleep(10) sys.exit() util.log(1, 'ngrok认证成功,正在连接服务器...') # 设置映射隧道,支持多渠道[客户端id] self.ngrok_adds(authData['data']) proto = authData['server'].split(':') self.host = str(proto[0]) # Ngrok服务器地址 self.port = int(proto[1]) # 端口 return # ngrok.cc 添加到渠道队列 def ngrok_adds(self, Tunnel): for tunnelinfo in Tunnel: if tunnelinfo.get('proto'): if tunnelinfo.get('proto').get('http'): protocol = 'http' if tunnelinfo.get('proto').get('https'): protocol = 'https' if tunnelinfo.get('proto').get('tcp'): protocol = 'tcp' proto = tunnelinfo['proto'][protocol].split(':') # 拆分成数组 if proto[0] == '': proto[0] = '' if proto[1] == '' or proto[1] == 0: proto[1] = 80 body = dict() body['protocol'] = protocol body['hostname'] = tunnelinfo['hostname'] body['subdomain'] = tunnelinfo['subdomain'] body['httpauth'] = tunnelinfo['httpauth'] body['rport'] = tunnelinfo['remoteport'] body['lhost'] = str(proto[0]) body['lport'] = int(proto[1]) self.tunnels.append(body) # 加入渠道队列 #获取ping包 def get_ping_json(self): Payload = dict() body = dict() body['Type'] = 'Ping' body['Payload'] = Payload buffer = json.dumps(body) return(buffer) #ssl socket 连接 def connect_remote(self, host, port): try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ssl_client = ssl.wrap_socket(client, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) ssl_client.connect((host, port)) ssl_client.setblocking(1) except socket.error: return None return ssl_client #发送包 def send_pack(self, sock, msg, isblock = False): if isblock: sock.setblocking(1) sock.sendall(struct.pack(' 0: if not recvbuf: recvbuf = recvbut else: recvbuf += recvbut if type == 1 or (type == 2 and linkstate == 1): lenbyte = self.tolen(recvbuf[0:8]) if len(recvbuf) >= (8 + lenbyte): buf = recvbuf[8:lenbyte + 8].decode('utf-8') js = json.loads(buf) if type == 1: if js['Type'] == 'ReqProxy': self.remoteSocket = self.connect_remote(self.host, self.port) if self.remoteSocket: thread = threading.Thread(target = self.HKClient, args = (self.remoteSocket, 0, 2))#远程客户端已经连接,监测本地应用连接 thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() if js['Type'] == 'AuthResp': self.ClientId = js['Payload']['ClientId'] self.send_pack(sock, self.get_ping_json()) self.pingtime = time.time() for info in self.tunnels: reqid = self.rand_char(8) self.send_pack(sock, self.req_tunnel(reqid, info['protocol'], info['hostname'], info['subdomain'], info['httpauth'], info['rport'])) self.reqIdaddr[reqid] = (info['lhost'], info['lport']) if js['Type'] == 'NewTunnel': if js['Payload']['Error'] != '': util.log(1, 'ngrok隧道建立失败: %s' % js['Payload']['Error']) time.sleep(30) else: util.log(1, 'ngrok隧道建立成功: %s' % js['Payload']['Url']) # 注册成功 self.localaddr[js['Payload']['Url']] = self.reqIdaddr[js['Payload']['ReqId']] if type == 2: if js['Type'] == 'StartProxy': localhost, localport = self.localaddr[js['Payload']['Url']] self.localSocket = self.connect_local(localhost, localport) if self.localSocket: #本地应用连接成功 thread = threading.Thread(target = self.HKClient, args = (self.localSocket, 0, 3, sock))#本地应用已经连接,启用数据转发 thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() tosock = self.localSocket linkstate = 2 else: body = 'Web服务错误
隧道 %s 无效
无法连接到%s. 此端口尚未提供Web服务
' html = body % (js['Payload']['Url'], localhost + ':' + str(localport)) header = "HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway" + "\r\n" header += "Content-Type: text/html" + "\r\n" header += "Content-Length: %d" + "\r\n" header += "\r\n" + "%s" buf = header % (len(html.encode('utf-8')), html) self.send_buf(sock, buf.encode('utf-8')) if len(recvbuf) == (8 + lenbyte): recvbuf = bytes() else: recvbuf = recvbuf[8 + lenbyte:] if type == 3 or (type == 2 and linkstate == 2): self.send_buf(tosock, recvbuf) recvbuf = bytes() except socket.error: break if type == 1: self.mainsocket = None if type == 3: try: tosock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except socket.error: tosock.close() sock.close() def start(self): self.__running = True self.update_server_config() while self.__running: try: # 检测控制连接是否已经连接. if self.mainsocket is None: ip = self.dnsopen(self.host) if ip is None: util.log(1, 'ngrok隧道网络连接失败.') time.sleep(10) continue self.mainsocket = self.connect_remote(ip, self.port) if self.mainsocket is None: util.log(1, 'ngrok隧道服务器连接失败.') time.sleep(10) continue thread = threading.Thread(target = self.HKClient, args = (self.mainsocket, 0, 1))#主控制连接,监测远程客户端连接 thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() # 发送心跳 if self.pingtime + 20 < time.time() and self.pingtime != 0: self.send_pack(self.mainsocket, self.get_ping_json()) self.pingtime = time.time() time.sleep(1) except socket.error as e: self.pingtime = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() #停止 def stop(self): util.log(1, 'ngrok隧道正在关闭...') self.__running = False if self.mainsocket: self.mainsocket.close() self.mainsocket = None if self.remoteSocket: self.remoteSocket.close() self.remoteSocket = None if self.localSocket: self.localSocket.close() self.localSocket = None self.pingtime = 0 #test if __name__ == '__main__': ngrok = NgrokCilent("21364129xxxx") ngrok.start()