import time import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk import asyncio import sys sys.path.append("E:\\GitHub\\Fay\\") from core import tts_voice from core.tts_voice import EnumVoice from utils import util, config_util from utils import config_util as cfg import pygame import edge_tts class Speech: def __init__(self): self.ms_tts = False if config_util.key_ms_tts_key and config_util.key_ms_tts_key is not None and config_util.key_ms_tts_key.strip() != "": self.__speech_config = speechsdk.SpeechConfig(subscription=cfg.key_ms_tts_key, region=cfg.key_ms_tts_region) self.__speech_config.speech_recognition_language = "zh-CN" self.__speech_config.speech_synthesis_voice_name = "zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural" self.__speech_config.set_speech_synthesis_output_format(speechsdk.SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat.Audio16Khz32KBitRateMonoMp3) self.__synthesizer = speechsdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speech_config=self.__speech_config, audio_config=None) self.ms_tts = True self.__connection = None self.__history_data = [] def __get_history(self, voice_name, style, text): for data in self.__history_data: if data[0] == voice_name and data[1] == style and data[2] == text: return data[3] return None def connect(self): if self.ms_tts: self.__connection = speechsdk.Connection.from_speech_synthesizer(self.__synthesizer) util.log(1, "TTS 服务已经连接!") def close(self): if self.__connection is not None: self.__connection.close() #生成mp3音频 async def get_edge_tts(self,text,voice,file_url) -> None: communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(text, voice) await """ 文字转语音 :param text: 文本信息 :param style: 说话风格、语气 :returns: 音频文件路径 """ def to_sample(self, text, style): if self.ms_tts: voice_type = tts_voice.get_voice_of(config_util.config["attribute"]["voice"]) voice_name = EnumVoice.XIAO_XIAO.value["voiceName"] if voice_type is not None: voice_name = voice_type.value["voiceName"] history = self.__get_history(voice_name, style, text) if history is not None: return history ssml = '' \ '' \ '' \ '{}' \ '' \ '' \ ''.format(voice_name, style, 1.8, text) result = self.__synthesizer.speak_ssml(ssml) audio_data_stream = speechsdk.AudioDataStream(result) file_url = './samples/sample-' + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + '.mp3' audio_data_stream.save_to_wav_file(file_url) if result.reason == speechsdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted: self.__history_data.append((voice_name, style, text, file_url)) return file_url else: util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: " + str(result.reason)) return None else: voice_type = tts_voice.get_voice_of(config_util.config["attribute"]["voice"]) voice_name = EnumVoice.XIAO_XIAO.value["voiceName"] if voice_type is not None: voice_name = voice_type.value["voiceName"] history = self.__get_history(voice_name, style, text) if history is not None: return history ssml = '' \ '' \ '' \ '{}' \ '' \ '' \ ''.format(voice_name, style, 1.8, text) try: file_url = './samples/sample-' + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + '.mp3' asyncio.new_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.get_edge_tts(text,voice_name,file_url)) self.__history_data.append((voice_name, style, text, file_url)) except Exception as e : util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: " + str(str(e))) file_url = None return file_url if __name__ == '__main__': cfg.load_config() sp = Speech() sp.connect() text = "我叫Fay,我今年18岁,很年青。" s = sp.to_sample(text, "cheerful") print(s) sp.close()