import sqlite3 import threading import datetime import time from agent.fay_agent import FayAgentCore from core import fay_core scheduled_tasks = {} agent_running = False agent = FayAgentCore() # 数据库初始化 def init_db(): conn = sqlite3.connect('timer.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timer ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, time TEXT NOT NULL, repeat_rule TEXT NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL ) ''') conn.commit() conn.close() # 插入测试数据 def insert_test_data(): conn = sqlite3.connect('timer.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO timer (time, repeat_rule, content) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", ('16:20', '1010001', 'Meeting Reminder')) conn.commit() conn.close() # 解析重复规则返回待执行时间,None代表不在今天的待执行计划 def parse_repeat_rule(rule, task_time): today = if rule == '0000000': # 不重复 task_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(, task_time) if task_datetime > today: return task_datetime else: return None for i, day in enumerate(rule): if day == '1' and today.weekday() == i: task_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(, task_time) if task_datetime > today: return task_datetime return None # 执行任务 def execute_task(task_time, id, content): agent.is_chat = False fay_core.send_for_answer("执行任务->立刻" + content) if id in scheduled_tasks: del scheduled_tasks[id] # 如果不重复,执行后删除记录 conn = sqlite3.connect('timer.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM timer WHERE repeat_rule = '0000000' AND time = ? AND content = ?", (task_time.strftime('%H:%M'), content)) conn.commit() conn.close() # 30秒扫描一次数据库,当扫描到今天的不存在于定时任务列表的记录,则添加到定时任务列表。执行完的记录从定时任务列表中清除。 def check_and_execute(): while agent_running: conn = sqlite3.connect('timer.db') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM timer") rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: id, task_time_str, repeat_rule, content = row task_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(task_time_str, '%H:%M').time() next_execution = parse_repeat_rule(repeat_rule, task_time) if next_execution and id not in scheduled_tasks: timer_thread = threading.Timer((next_execution -, execute_task, [next_execution, id, content]) timer_thread.start() scheduled_tasks[id] = timer_thread conn.close() time.sleep(30) # 30秒扫描一次 # agent启动 def agent_start(): global agent_running global agent agent_running = True init_db() check_and_execute_thread = threading.Thread(target=check_and_execute) check_and_execute_thread.start() #初始计划 fay_core.send_for_answer("""执行任务--> 你是一个智慧农业实验箱里的ai,你的责任是陪伴主人生活、工作,以及协助主人打理好农业种植箱里的农作物: 1、在每天早上8点、中午12点、晚上10点检查农业种植箱的状态是否附合设定的预期执行,如果不符合请告知我调整。 2、每天12点“语音提醒主人吃饭”; 3、在星期一到星期五13:30“语音提醒主人开始工作”; 4、在星期一到星期五15:15“语音提醒主人冲咖啡”; 5、在星期一、星期三的11:15“语音提醒主人开会”; 6、在星期五17:30“语音提醒主人开会”; 7、在星期一到星期五18:00“语音提醒主人下班”; 8、在每天21点陪主人聊聊天; 9、在每天晚上10:30会跟据第二天的天气预报信息和当天的运行情况,检查iotm系统当天的控制规则; """) def agent_stop(): global agent_running global scheduled_tasks # 取消所有定时任务 for task in scheduled_tasks.values(): task.cancel() agent_running = False scheduled_tasks = {} if __name__ == "__main__": agent_start()