import http.client import urllib.parse import json from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient from aliyunsdkcore.request import CommonRequest from core.authorize_tb import Authorize_Tb import time from utils import util, config_util from utils import config_util as cfg import wave class Speech: def __init__(self): self.key_ali_nls_key_id = cfg.key_ali_tss_key_id self.key_ali_nls_key_secret = cfg.key_ali_tss_key_secret self.ali_nls_app_key = cfg.key_ali_tss_app_key self.token = None self.authorize_tb = Authorize_Tb() self.__history_data = [] def connect(self): pass def __get_history(self, voice_name, style, text): for data in self.__history_data: if data[0] == voice_name and data[1] == style and data[2] == text: return data[3] return None def set_token(self): token = self.__check_token() if token is None or token == 'expired': token_info = self.__get_token() if token_info is not None and token_info['Id'] is not None: expires_timedelta = token_info['ExpireTime'] expiry_timestamp_in_milliseconds = expires_timedelta * 1000 if token == 'expired': self.authorize_tb.update_by_userid(self.key_ali_nls_key_id, token_info['Id'], expiry_timestamp_in_milliseconds) else: self.authorize_tb.add(self.key_ali_nls_key_id, token_info['Id'], expiry_timestamp_in_milliseconds) token = token_info['Id'] else: print(f"请检查阿里云tts对接") token = None self.token = token def __check_token(self): self.authorize_tb.init_tb() info = self.authorize_tb.find_by_userid(self.key_ali_nls_key_id) if info is not None: if info[1] >= int(time.time())*1000: return info[0] else: return 'expired' else: return None def __get_token(self): try: global _token __client = AcsClient( self.key_ali_nls_key_id, self.key_ali_nls_key_secret, "cn-shanghai" ) __request = CommonRequest() __request.set_method('POST') __request.set_domain('') __request.set_version('2019-02-28') __request.set_action_name('CreateToken') info = json.loads(__client.do_action_with_exception(__request)) _token = info['Token'] return info['Token'] except Exception as e: print(f"阿里云tts对接有误: {str(e)}") return None def to_sample(self, text, style) : try: history = self.__get_history(config_util.config["attribute"]["voice"], style, text) if history is not None: return history self.set_token() if self.token != None: host = '' url = 'https://' + host + '/stream/v1/tts' # 设置HTTPS Headers。 httpHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } text = f"{text}" # 设置HTTPS Body。 body = {'appkey': self.ali_nls_app_key, 'token': self.token,'speech_rate':0, 'text': text, 'format': 'wav', 'sample_rate': 16000, 'voice': config_util.config["attribute"]["voice"]} body = json.dumps(body) conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host) conn.request(method='POST', url=url, body=body, headers=httpHeaders) # 处理服务端返回的响应。 response = conn.getresponse() tt = time.time() contentType = response.getheader('Content-Type') body = if 'audio/mpeg' == contentType : file_url = './samples/sample-' + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + '.wav' with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(1) wf.setsampwidth(2) wf.setframerate(16000) wf.writeframes(body) else : util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: " + str(body)) file_url = None return file_url conn.close() print(time.time() - tt) return file_url else: util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: 对接有误" ) file_url = None return file_url except Exception as e : util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: " + str(str(e))) file_url = None return file_url def close(self): pass