from asyncio import AbstractEventLoop import websockets import asyncio import json from abc import abstractmethod from websockets.legacy.server import Serve from utils import util from scheduler.thread_manager import MyThread class MyServer: def __init__(self, host='', port=10000): self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.__host = host # ip self.__port = port # 端口号 self.__listCmd = [] # 要发送的信息的列表 self.__clients = list() self.__server: Serve = None self.__event_loop: AbstractEventLoop = None self.__running = True self.__pending = None self.isConnect = False self.TIMEOUT = 3 # 设置任何超时时间为 3 秒 self.__tasks = {} # 记录任务和开始时间的字典 # 接收处理 async def __consumer_handler(self, websocket, path): username = None try: async for message in websocket: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) try: username = json.loads(message).get("Username") except json.JSONDecodeError as e:#json格式有误,不处理 pass if username: remote_address = websocket.remote_address unique_id = f"{remote_address[0]}:{remote_address[1]}" async with self.lock: for i in range(len(self.__clients)): if self.__clients[i]["id"] == unique_id: self.__clients[i]["username"] = username await self.__consumer(message) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError as e: # 从客户端列表中移除已断开的连接 await self.remove_client(websocket) util.printInfo(1, "User" if username is None else username, f"WebSocket 连接关闭: {e}") # 发送处理 async def __producer_handler(self, websocket, path): while self.__running: await asyncio.sleep(0.01) if len(self.__listCmd) > 0: message = await self.__producer() if message: username = json.loads(message).get("Username") if username is None: # 群发消息 async with self.lock: wsclients = [c["websocket"] for c in self.__clients] tasks = [self.send_message_with_timeout(client, message, username, timeout=3) for client in wsclients] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) else: # 向指定用户发送消息 async with self.lock: target_clients = [c["websocket"] for c in self.__clients if c.get("username") == username] tasks = [self.send_message_with_timeout(client, message, username, timeout=3) for client in target_clients] await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # 发送消息(设置超时) async def send_message_with_timeout(self, client, message, username, timeout=3): try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.send_message(client, message, username), timeout=timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: util.printInfo(1, "User" if username is None else username, f"发送消息超时: 用户名 {username}") except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e: # 从客户端列表中移除已断开的连接 await self.remove_client(client) util.printInfo(1, "User" if username is None else username, f"WebSocket 连接关闭: {e}") # 发送消息 async def send_message(self, client, message, username): try: await client.send(message) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e: # 从客户端列表中移除已断开的连接 await self.remove_client(client) util.printInfo(1, "User" if username is None else username, f"WebSocket 连接关闭: {e}") async def __handler(self, websocket, path): self.isConnect = True util.log(1,"websocket连接上:{}".format(self.__port)) self.on_connect_handler() remote_address = websocket.remote_address unique_id = f"{remote_address[0]}:{remote_address[1]}" async with self.lock: self.__clients.append({"id" : unique_id, "websocket" : websocket, "username" : "User"}) consumer_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__consumer_handler(websocket, path))#接收 producer_task = asyncio.create_task(self.__producer_handler(websocket, path))#发送 done, self.__pending = await asyncio.wait([consumer_task, producer_task], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in self.__pending: task.cancel() try: await task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass # 从客户端列表中移除已断开的连接 await self.remove_client(websocket) util.log(1, "websocket连接断开:{}".format(unique_id)) async def __consumer(self, message): self.on_revice_handler(message) async def __producer(self): if len(self.__listCmd) > 0: message = self.on_send_handler(self.__listCmd.pop(0)) return message else: return None async def remove_client(self, websocket): async with self.lock: self.__clients = [c for c in self.__clients if c["websocket"] != websocket] if len(self.__clients) == 0: self.isConnect = False self.on_close_handler() def is_connected(self, username): if username is None: username = "User" if len(self.__clients) == 0: return False clients = [c for c in self.__clients if c["username"] == username] if len(clients) > 0: return True return False #Edit by xszyou on 20230113:通过继承此类来实现服务端的接收后处理逻辑 @abstractmethod def on_revice_handler(self, message): pass #Edit by xszyou on 20230114:通过继承此类来实现服务端的连接处理逻辑 @abstractmethod def on_connect_handler(self): pass #Edit by xszyou on 20230804:通过继承此类来实现服务端的发送前的处理逻辑 @abstractmethod def on_send_handler(self, message): return message #Edit by xszyou on 20230816:通过继承此类来实现服务端的断开后的处理逻辑 @abstractmethod def on_close_handler(self): pass # 创建server def __connect(self): self.__event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.__event_loop) self.__isExecute = True if self.__server: util.log(1, 'server already exist') return self.__server = websockets.serve(self.__handler, self.__host, self.__port) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.__server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() # 往要发送的命令列表中,添加命令 def add_cmd(self, content): if not self.__running: return jsonStr = json.dumps(content) self.__listCmd.append(jsonStr) # util.log('命令 {}'.format(content)) # 开启服务 def start_server(self): MyThread(target=self.__connect).start() # 关闭服务 def stop_server(self): self.__running = False self.isConnect = False if self.__server is None: return self.__server.close() self.__server = None self.__clients = [] util.log(1, "WebSocket server stopped.") #ui端server class WebServer(MyServer): def __init__(self, host='', port=10003): super().__init__(host, port) def on_revice_handler(self, message): pass def on_connect_handler(self): self.add_cmd({"panelMsg": "使用提示:Fay可以独立使用,启动数字人将自动对接。"}) def on_send_handler(self, message): return message def on_close_handler(self): pass #数字人端server class HumanServer(MyServer): def __init__(self, host='', port=10002): super().__init__(host, port) def on_revice_handler(self, message): pass def on_connect_handler(self): web_server_instance = get_web_instance() web_server_instance.add_cmd({"is_connect": self.isConnect}) def on_send_handler(self, message): # util.log(1, '向human发送 {}'.format(message)) if not self.isConnect: return None return message def on_close_handler(self): web_server_instance = get_web_instance() web_server_instance.add_cmd({"is_connect": self.isConnect}) #测试 class TestServer(MyServer): def __init__(self, host='', port=10000): super().__init__(host, port) def on_revice_handler(self, message): print(message) def on_connect_handler(self): print("连接上了") def on_send_handler(self, message): return message def on_close_handler(self): pass #单例 __instance: MyServer = None __web_instance: MyServer = None def new_instance(host='', port=10002) -> MyServer: global __instance if __instance is None: __instance = HumanServer(host, port) return __instance def new_web_instance(host='', port=10003) -> MyServer: global __web_instance if __web_instance is None: __web_instance = WebServer(host, port) return __web_instance def get_instance() -> MyServer: return __instance def get_web_instance() -> MyServer: return __web_instance if __name__ == '__main__': testServer = TestServer(host='', port=10000) testServer.start_server()