import sqlite3 import time import threading import functools from utils import util def synchronized(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): with self.lock: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper __content_tb = None def new_instance(): global __content_tb if __content_tb is None: __content_tb = Content_Db() __content_tb.init_db() return __content_tb class Content_Db: def __init__(self) -> None: self.lock = threading.Lock() #初始化 def init_db(self): conn = sqlite3.connect('fay.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS T_Msg (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoincrement, type char(10), way char(10), content TEXT NOT NULL, createtime Int, username TEXT DEFAULT 'User', uid Int);''') conn.commit() conn.close() #添加对话 @synchronized def add_content(self,type,way,content,username='User',uid=0): conn = sqlite3.connect("fay.db") cur = conn.cursor() try: cur.execute("insert into T_Msg (type,way,content,createtime,username,uid) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)",(type, way, content, time.time(), username, uid)) conn.commit() except: util.log(1, "请检查参数是否有误") conn.close() return 0 conn.close() return cur.lastrowid #获取对话内容 @synchronized def get_list(self,way,order,limit,uid=0): conn = sqlite3.connect("fay.db") cur = conn.cursor() where_uid = "" if int(uid) != 0: where_uid = f" and uid = {uid} " if(way == 'all'): cur.execute("select type,way,content,createtime,datetime(createtime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as timetext,username from T_Msg where 1 "+where_uid+" order by id "+order+" limit ?",(limit,)) elif(way == 'notappended'): cur.execute("select type,way,content,createtime,datetime(createtime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as timetext,username from T_Msg where way != 'appended' "+where_uid+" order by id "+order+" limit ?",(limit,)) else: cur.execute("select type,way,content,createtime,datetime(createtime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') as timetext,username from T_Msg where way = ? "+where_uid+" order by id "+order+" limit ?",(way,limit,)) list = cur.fetchall() conn.close() return list