import base64 import json import uuid import requests import time from utils import util, config_util from utils import config_util as cfg import wave class Speech: def __init__(self): self.appid = cfg.volcano_tts_appid self.access_token = cfg.volcano_tts_access_token self.cluster = cfg.volcano_tts_cluster self.__history_data = [] def connect(self): pass def __get_history(self, voice_name, style, text): for data in self.__history_data: if data[0] == voice_name and data[1] == style and data[2] == text: return data[3] return None def to_sample(self, text, style) : if cfg.volcano_tts_voice_type != None and cfg.volcano_tts_voice_type != '': voice = cfg.volcano_tts_voice_type else: voice = config_util.config["attribute"]["voice"] try: history = self.__get_history(voice, style, text) if history is not None: return history host = "" api_url = f"https://{host}/api/v1/tts" header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer;{self.access_token}"} request_json = { "app": { "appid": self.appid, "token": "access_token", "cluster": self.cluster }, "user": { "uid": "388808087185088" }, "audio": { "voice_type": voice, "encoding": "wav", "speed_ratio": 1.0, "volume_ratio": 1.0, "pitch_ratio": 1.0, }, "request": { "reqid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "text": text, "text_type": "plain", "operation": "query", "with_frontend": 1, "frontend_type": "unitTson" } } response =, json.dumps(request_json), headers=header) if "data" in response.json(): data = response.json()["data"] file_url = './samples/sample-' + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + '.wav' with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(1) wf.setsampwidth(2) wf.setframerate(24000) wf.writeframes(base64.b64decode(data)) else : util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") file_url = None return file_url return file_url except Exception as e : util.log(1, "[x] 语音转换失败!") util.log(1, "[x] 原因: " + str(str(e))) file_url = None return file_url def close(self): pass