diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f3cdbca..0eeab58 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- 当然,若不考虑外观形象的话,本“数字人控制器”其实也可以独立使用的,可以充当一个语音助理。
+ 当然,若不考虑外观形象的话,本“数字人控制器”其实也可以独立使用的,可以充当一个语音助理。NLP可以自由切换AIUI、ChatGPT及Yuan1.0。
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
2、提供android 音频输入输出工程示例代码;
@@ -37,7 +40,8 @@
@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@
-- **播放歌曲**
+- **播放歌曲(暂不能用需更换音乐库)**
@@ -198,9 +202,11 @@ python main.py
| ------------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ./ai_module/ali_nls.py | 阿里云 实时语音识别 | https://ai.aliyun.com/nls/trans |
| ./ai_module/ms_tts_sdk.py | 微软 文本转语音 基于SDK | https://azure.microsoft.com/zh-cn/services/cognitive-services/text-to-speech/ |
-| ./ai_module/xf_aiui.py | 讯飞 人机交互-自然语言处理 | https://aiui.xfyun.cn/solution/webapi |
| ./ai_module/xf_ltp.py | 讯飞 情感分析 | https://www.xfyun.cn/service/emotion-analysis |
-| ./utils/ngrok_util.py | ngrok.cc 外网穿透 | http://ngrok.cc |
+| ./utils/ngrok_util.py | ngrok.cc 外网穿透(可选) | http://ngrok.cc |
+| ./ai_module/yuan_1_0.py | 浪潮源大模型(NLP 3选1) | https://air.inspur.com/ |
+| ./ai_module/chatgpt.py | ChatGPT(NLP 3选1) | ******* |
+| ./ai_module/xf_aiui.py | 讯飞自然语言处理(NLP 3选1) | https://aiui.xfyun.cn/solution/webapi |
diff --git a/ai_module/chatgpt.py b/ai_module/chatgpt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce783ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ai_module/chatgpt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from utils import config_util as cfg
+import openai
+def question(text):
+ cfg.load_config()
+ openai.api_key = cfg.key_chatgpt_api_key
+ prompt = text
+ completions = openai.Completion.create(engine="text-davinci-002", prompt=prompt, max_tokens=1024)
+ a_msg = completions.choices[0].text
+ return a_msg
diff --git a/ai_module/yuan1_0/inspurai.py b/ai_module/yuan1_0/inspurai.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da68e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ai_module/yuan1_0/inspurai.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+import os
+import uuid
+from ai_module.yuan1_0.url_config import submit_request, reply_request
+def set_yuan_account(user, phone):
+ os.environ['YUAN_ACCOUNT'] = user + '||' + phone
+class Example:
+ """ store some examples(input, output pairs and formats) for few-shots to prime the model."""
+ def __init__(self, inp, out):
+ self.input = inp
+ self.output = out
+ self.id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ def get_input(self):
+ """return the input of the example."""
+ return self.input
+ def get_output(self):
+ """Return the output of the example."""
+ return self.output
+ def get_id(self):
+ """Returns the unique ID of the example."""
+ return self.id
+ def as_dict(self):
+ return {
+ "input": self.get_input(),
+ "output": self.get_output(),
+ "id": self.get_id(),
+ }
+class Yuan:
+ """The main class for a user to interface with the Inspur Yuan API.
+ A user can set account info and add examples of the API request.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ engine='base_10B',
+ temperature=0.9,
+ max_tokens=100,
+ input_prefix='',
+ input_suffix='\n',
+ output_prefix='答:',
+ output_suffix='\n\n',
+ append_output_prefix_to_query=False,
+ topK=1,
+ topP=0.9,
+ frequencyPenalty=1.2,
+ responsePenalty=1.2,
+ noRepeatNgramSize=2):
+ self.examples = {}
+ self.engine = engine
+ self.temperature = temperature
+ self.max_tokens = max_tokens
+ self.topK = topK
+ self.topP = topP
+ self.frequencyPenalty = frequencyPenalty
+ self.responsePenalty = responsePenalty
+ self.noRepeatNgramSize = noRepeatNgramSize
+ self.input_prefix = input_prefix
+ self.input_suffix = input_suffix
+ self.output_prefix = output_prefix
+ self.output_suffix = output_suffix
+ self.append_output_prefix_to_query = append_output_prefix_to_query
+ self.stop = (output_suffix + input_prefix).strip()
+ # if self.engine not in ['base_10B','translate','dialog']:
+ # raise Exception('engine must be one of [\'base_10B\',\'translate\',\'dialog\'] ')
+ def add_example(self, ex):
+ """Add an example to the object.
+ Example must be an instance of the Example class."""
+ assert isinstance(ex, Example), "Please create an Example object."
+ self.examples[ex.get_id()] = ex
+ def delete_example(self, id):
+ """Delete example with the specific id."""
+ if id in self.examples:
+ del self.examples[id]
+ def get_example(self, id):
+ """Get a single example."""
+ return self.examples.get(id, None)
+ def get_all_examples(self):
+ """Returns all examples as a list of dicts."""
+ return {k: v.as_dict() for k, v in self.examples.items()}
+ def get_prime_text(self):
+ """Formats all examples to prime the model."""
+ return "".join(
+ [self.format_example(ex) for ex in self.examples.values()])
+ def get_engine(self):
+ """Returns the engine specified for the API."""
+ return self.engine
+ def get_temperature(self):
+ """Returns the temperature specified for the API."""
+ return self.temperature
+ def get_max_tokens(self):
+ """Returns the max tokens specified for the API."""
+ return self.max_tokens
+ def craft_query(self, prompt):
+ """Creates the query for the API request."""
+ q = self.get_prime_text(
+ ) + self.input_prefix + prompt + self.input_suffix
+ if self.append_output_prefix_to_query:
+ q = q + self.output_prefix
+ return q
+ def format_example(self, ex):
+ """Formats the input, output pair."""
+ return self.input_prefix + ex.get_input(
+ ) + self.input_suffix + self.output_prefix + ex.get_output(
+ ) + self.output_suffix
+ def response(self,
+ query,
+ engine='base_10B',
+ max_tokens=20,
+ temperature=0.9,
+ topP=0.1,
+ topK=1,
+ frequencyPenalty=1.0,
+ responsePenalty=1.0,
+ noRepeatNgramSize=0):
+ """Obtains the original result returned by the API."""
+ try:
+ # requestId = submit_request(query,temperature,topP,topK,max_tokens, engine)
+ requestId = submit_request(query, temperature, topP, topK, max_tokens, engine, frequencyPenalty,
+ responsePenalty, noRepeatNgramSize)
+ response_text = reply_request(requestId)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ return response_text
+ def del_special_chars(self, msg):
+ special_chars = ['', '', '#', '▃', '▁', '▂', ' ']
+ for char in special_chars:
+ msg = msg.replace(char, '')
+ return msg
+ def submit_API(self, prompt, trun=[]):
+ """Submit prompt to yuan API interface and obtain an pure text reply.
+ :prompt: Question or any content a user may input.
+ :return: pure text response."""
+ query = self.craft_query(prompt)
+ res = self.response(query,engine=self.engine,
+ max_tokens=self.max_tokens,
+ temperature=self.temperature,
+ topP=self.topP,
+ topK=self.topK,
+ frequencyPenalty = self.frequencyPenalty,
+ responsePenalty = self.responsePenalty,
+ noRepeatNgramSize = self.noRepeatNgramSize)
+ if 'resData' in res and res['resData'] != None:
+ txt = res['resData']
+ else:
+ txt = '模型返回为空,请尝试修改输入'
+ # 单独针对翻译模型的后处理
+ if self.engine == 'translate':
+ txt = txt.replace(' ##', '').replace(' "', '"').replace(": ", ":").replace(" ,", ",") \
+ .replace('英文:', '').replace('文:', '').replace("( ", "(").replace(" )", ")")
+ else:
+ txt = txt.replace(' ', '')
+ txt = self.del_special_chars(txt)
+ # trun多结束符截断模型输出
+ if isinstance(trun, str):
+ trun = [trun]
+ try:
+ if trun != None and isinstance(trun, list) and trun != []:
+ for tr in trun:
+ if tr in txt and tr!="":
+ txt = txt[:txt.index(tr)]
+ else:
+ continue
+ except:
+ return txt
+ return txt
diff --git a/ai_module/yuan1_0/url_config.py b/ai_module/yuan1_0/url_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..900fe80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ai_module/yuan1_0/url_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+import requests
+import hashlib
+import time
+from datetime import datetime
+import pytz
+import json
+import os
+PHONE = ''
+SUBMIT_URL = "http://api-air.inspur.com:32102/v1/interface/api/infer/getRequestId?"
+REPLY_URL = "http://api-air.inspur.com:32102/v1/interface/api/result?"
+def code_md5(str):
+ code=str.encode("utf-8")
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ m.update(code)
+ result= m.hexdigest()
+ return result
+def rest_get(url, header,timeout, show_error=False):
+ '''Call rest get method'''
+ try:
+ response = requests.get(url, headers=header,timeout=timeout, verify=False)
+ return response
+ except Exception as exception:
+ if show_error:
+ print(exception)
+ return None
+def header_generation():
+ """Generate header for API request."""
+ t = datetime.now(pytz.timezone("Asia/Shanghai")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ ACCOUNT, PHONE = os.environ.get('YUAN_ACCOUNT').split('||')
+ token=code_md5(ACCOUNT+PHONE+t)
+ headers = {'token': token}
+ return headers
+def submit_request(query,temperature,topP,topK,max_tokens,engine, frequencyPenalty,responsePenalty,noRepeatNgramSize):
+ """Submit query to the backend server and get requestID."""
+ headers=header_generation()
+ # url=SUBMIT_URL + "account={0}&data={1}&temperature={2}&topP={3}&topK={4}&tokensToGenerate={5}&type={6}".format(ACCOUNT,query,temperature,topP,topK,max_tokens,"api")
+ # url=SUBMIT_URL + "engine={0}&account={1}&data={2}&temperature={3}&topP={4}&topK={5}&tokensToGenerate={6}" \
+ # "&type={7}".format(engine,ACCOUNT,query,temperature,topP,topK, max_tokens,"api")
+ url=SUBMIT_URL + "engine={0}&account={1}&data={2}&temperature={3}&topP={4}&topK={5}&tokensToGenerate={6}" \
+ "&type={7}&frequencyPenalty={8}&responsePenalty={9}&noRepeatNgramSize={10}".\
+ format(engine,ACCOUNT,query,temperature,topP,topK, max_tokens,"api", frequencyPenalty,responsePenalty,noRepeatNgramSize)
+ response=rest_get(url,headers,30)
+ response_text = json.loads(response.text)
+ if response_text["flag"]:
+ requestId = response_text["resData"]
+ return requestId
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeWarning(response_text)
+def reply_request(requestId,cycle_count=5):
+ """Check reply API to get the inference response."""
+ url = REPLY_URL + "account={0}&requestId={1}".format(ACCOUNT, requestId)
+ headers=header_generation()
+ response_text= {"flag":True, "resData":None}
+ for i in range(cycle_count):
+ response = rest_get(url, headers, 30, show_error=True)
+ response_text = json.loads(response.text)
+ if response_text["resData"] != None:
+ return response_text
+ if response_text["flag"] == False and i ==cycle_count-1:
+ raise RuntimeWarning(response_text)
+ time.sleep(3)
+ return response_text
diff --git a/ai_module/yuan1_0/yuan1_0_dialog.py b/ai_module/yuan1_0/yuan1_0_dialog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38233f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ai_module/yuan1_0/yuan1_0_dialog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+from simhash import Simhash
+from ai_module.yuan1_0.inspurai import Yuan, set_yuan_account,Example
+import heapq
+import sys
+from utils import config_util as cfg
+class Yuan1Dialog:
+ def __init__(self, account, phone) -> None:
+ self.account = account
+ self.phone = phone
+ set_yuan_account(account, phone)
+ self.yuan = Yuan(engine='dialog',
+ input_prefix="问:“",
+ input_suffix="”",
+ output_prefix="答:“",
+ output_suffix="”",
+ max_tokens=30,
+ append_output_prefix_to_query=True)
+ self.h_dialog = []
+ def get_relative_qa(self, prompt, h_dialog, topN=2):
+ """
+ 可以添加相关性计算,这里简单使用最近的一次对话。
+ :topN: 需要返回的相关对话轮数。
+ """
+ def simhash(query, text,):
+ """
+ 采用局部敏感的hash值表示语义。
+ """
+ q_simhash = Simhash(query)
+ t_simhash = Simhash(text)
+ max_hashbit = max(len(bin(q_simhash.value)), len(bin(t_simhash.value)))
+ distance = q_simhash.distance(t_simhash)
+ # print(distance)
+ similar = 1 - distance / max_hashbit
+ return similar
+ h_num = len(h_dialog)
+ sim_values = []
+ tm_effs= []
+ rel_effs = []
+ gamma = 0.8 # time effect coefficient
+ if not h_dialog:
+ return []
+ else:
+ for indx, dialog in enumerate(h_dialog):
+ text = '|'.join((dialog.input, dialog.output))
+ sim_value = simhash(prompt, text)
+ tm_eff = gamma ** ((h_num - indx)/h_num)
+ rel_eff = sim_value * tm_eff
+ sim_values.append(sim_value)
+ tm_effs.append(tm_eff)
+ rel_effs.append(rel_eff)
+ top_idx = heapq.nlargest(topN, range(len(rel_effs)), rel_effs.__getitem__)
+ mst_dialog = [h_dialog[idx] for idx in top_idx]
+ mst_dialog.reverse()
+ return mst_dialog
+ def update_example(self, yuan, exs):
+ ex_ids = []
+ for ex in exs:
+ ex_ids.append(ex.get_id())
+ yuan.add_example(ex)
+ return yuan, ex_ids
+ def dialog(self, prompt):
+ yuan = self.yuan
+ h_dialog = self.h_dialog
+ exs = self.get_relative_qa(prompt, h_dialog)
+ yuan, ex_ids = self.update_example(yuan, exs)
+ response = yuan.submit_API(prompt=prompt, trun="。")
+ if len(h_dialog)<10: # 设置保存最多不超过10轮最近的历史对话
+ h_dialog.append(Example(inp=prompt,out=response))
+ else:
+ del(h_dialog[0])
+ h_dialog.append(Example(inp=prompt,out=response))
+ for ex_id in ex_ids:
+ yuan.delete_example(ex_id)
+ return response
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cfg.load_config()
+ account = cfg.key_yuan_1_0_account
+ phone = cfg.key_yuan_1_0_phone
+ yuan1_dialog = Yuan1Dialog(account, phone)
+ prompt = "你好"
+ print(yuan1_dialog.dialog(prompt))
diff --git a/ai_module/yuan_1_0.py b/ai_module/yuan_1_0.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d2b66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ai_module/yuan_1_0.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from utils import config_util as cfg
+from ai_module.yuan1_0.yuan1_0_dialog import Yuan1Dialog
+def question(text):
+ account = cfg.key_yuan_1_0_account
+ phone = cfg.key_yuan_1_0_phone
+ yuan1_dialog = Yuan1Dialog(account, phone)
+ prompt = text
+ a_msg = yuan1_dialog.dialog(prompt)
+ return a_msg
diff --git a/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-蓝牙service后台运行版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/FayConnectorService.java b/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-蓝牙service后台运行版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/FayConnectorService.java
index 467111b..b62dd51 100644
--- a/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-蓝牙service后台运行版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/FayConnectorService.java
+++ b/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-蓝牙service后台运行版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/FayConnectorService.java
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class FayConnectorService extends Service {
try {
- socket = new Socket("5gzvip.91tunnel.com", 10001);
+ socket = new Socket("", 10001);
in = socket.getInputStream();
out = socket.getOutputStream();
Log.d("fay", "fay控制器连接成功");
diff --git a/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-麦克风Activity版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/MainActivity.java b/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-麦克风Activity版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/MainActivity.java
index baf3469..c757854 100644
--- a/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-麦克风Activity版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/MainActivity.java
+++ b/android_connector_demo/fayConnectorDemo-麦克风Activity版/app/src/main/java/com/yaheen/fayconnectordemo/MainActivity.java
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
try {
- socket = new Socket("5gzvip.91tunnel.com", 10001);
+ socket = new Socket("", 10001);
in = socket.getInputStream();
out = socket.getOutputStream();
Snackbar.make(view, "fay控制器连接成功", Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
diff --git a/config.json b/config.json
index 733c5ed..be41c80 100644
--- a/config.json
+++ b/config.json
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
"url": "https://v.douyin.com/hL6ehu8/"
"record": {
- "device": "\u9470\u866b\u6e80 (BT-50 PRO Hands-Free AG Aud",
- "enabled": false
+ "device": "",
+ "enabled": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/fay_core.py b/core/fay_core.py
index e2c7378..ad0112c 100644
--- a/core/fay_core.py
+++ b/core/fay_core.py
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ from core.interact import Interact
from core.tts_voice import EnumVoice
from scheduler.thread_manager import MyThread
from utils import util, storer, config_util
+from ai_module import yuan_1_0
+from ai_module import chatgpt
import pygame
+from utils import config_util as cfg
class FeiFei:
@@ -243,7 +245,15 @@ class FeiFei:
wsa_server.get_web_instance().add_cmd({"panelMsg": "思考中..."})
util.log(1, '自然语言处理...')
tm = time.time()
- text = xf_aiui.question(self.q_msg)
+ cfg.load_config()
+ if cfg.key_chat_module == 'xfaiui':
+ text = xf_aiui.question(self.q_msg)
+ elif cfg.key_chat_module == 'yuan':
+ text = yuan_1_0.question(self.q_msg)
+ elif cfg.key_chat_module == 'chatgpt':
+ text = chatgpt.question(self.q_msg)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('讯飞key、yuan key、chatgpt key都没有配置!')
util.log(1, '自然语言处理完成. 耗时: {} ms'.format(math.floor((time.time() - tm) * 1000)))
if text == '哎呀,你这么说我也不懂,详细点呗' or text == '':
util.log(1, '[!] 自然语言无语了!')
@@ -536,8 +546,10 @@ class FeiFei:
while True:
self.deviceConnect,addr=self.deviceSocket.accept() #接受TCP连接,并返回新的套接字与IP地址
- MyThread(target=self.__device_socket_keep_alive).start()
+ MyThread(target=self.__device_socket_keep_alive).start() # 开启心跳包检测
+ while self.deviceConnect: #只允许一个设备连接
+ time.sleep(1)
except Exception as err:
diff --git a/core/recorder.py b/core/recorder.py
index 584b886..da276cc 100644
--- a/core/recorder.py
+++ b/core/recorder.py
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class Recorder:
last_mute_time = time.time()
last_speaking_time = time.time()
while self.__running:
- data = stream.read(1024)
+ data = stream.read(1024, exception_on_overflow=False)
if not data:
diff --git a/python_connector_demo/remote_audio.py b/python_connector_demo/remote_audio.py
index b4da8ad..038ddd8 100644
--- a/python_connector_demo/remote_audio.py
+++ b/python_connector_demo/remote_audio.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def get_stream():
def send_audio(client):
stream = get_stream()
while stream:
- data = stream.read(1024)
+ data = stream.read(1024, exception_on_overflow=False)
print(".", end="")
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def receive_audio(client):
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = socket.socket()
- client.connect(("5gzvip.91tunnel.com", 10001))
+ client.connect(("", 10001))
thread_manager.MyThread(target=send_audio, args=(client,)).start()
thread_manager.MyThread(target=receive_audio, args=(client,)).start()
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 48eddb6..655b2c7 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -15,4 +15,11 @@ websocket~=0.2.1
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/system.conf b/system.conf
index 533fd88..0618262 100644
--- a/system.conf
+++ b/system.conf
@@ -12,13 +12,23 @@ ali_nls_app_key=
-# 讯飞 自然语言处理 服务密钥(必须)
-# 讯飞 情绪分析 服务密钥(必须)
+# 讯飞 情绪分析 服务密钥
+# 讯飞 自然语言处理 服务密钥(NLP3选1)
+#yuan_1_0 对话机器人 服务密钥(NLP3选1)
+#chatgpt 对话机器人 服务密钥(NLP3选1)
#ngrok.cc 内网穿透id(非必须)
diff --git a/utils/config_util.py b/utils/config_util.py
index d7ae139..47b9cc2 100644
--- a/utils/config_util.py
+++ b/utils/config_util.py
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ key_xf_aiui_api_key = None
key_xf_ltp_app_id = None
key_xf_ltp_api_key = None
key_ngrok_cc_id = None
+key_yuan_1_0_account = None
+key_yuan_1_0_phone = None
+key_chatgpt_api_key = None
+key_chat_module = None
def load_config():
global config
@@ -32,6 +36,10 @@ def load_config():
global key_xf_ltp_app_id
global key_xf_ltp_api_key
global key_ngrok_cc_id
+ global key_yuan_1_0_account
+ global key_yuan_1_0_phone
+ global key_chatgpt_api_key
+ global key_chat_module
system_config = ConfigParser()
system_config.read('system.conf', encoding='UTF-8')
@@ -46,6 +54,10 @@ def load_config():
key_xf_ltp_app_id = system_config.get('key', 'xf_ltp_app_id')
key_xf_ltp_api_key = system_config.get('key', 'xf_ltp_api_key')
key_ngrok_cc_id = system_config.get('key', 'ngrok_cc_id')
+ key_yuan_1_0_account = system_config.get('key', 'yuan_1_0_account')
+ key_yuan_1_0_phone = system_config.get('key', 'yuan_1_0_phone')
+ key_chatgpt_api_key = system_config.get('key', 'chatgpt_api_key')
+ key_chat_module = system_config.get('key', 'chat_module')
config = json.load(codecs.open('config.json', encoding='utf-8'))
diff --git a/utils/stream_util.py b/utils/stream_util.py
index 1bf6eb2..d1a2b54 100644
--- a/utils/stream_util.py
+++ b/utils/stream_util.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class StreamCache:
- def read(self, length):
+ def read(self, length, exception_on_overflow = False):
if self.idle < length:
return None
# print("读:{}".format(length), end=' ')