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<!-- 本篇README.md面向开发者 -->
**EmoLLM** is a series of large language models designed to understand, support and help customers in mental health counseling. It is fine-tuned from the LLM instructions. We really appreciate it if you could give it a star~⭐⭐. The open-sourced configuration is as follows:
Everyone is welcome to contribute to this project ~
The Model aims to fully understand and promote the mental health of individuals, groups, and society. This model typically includes the following key components:
- Cognitive factors: Involving an individual's thought patterns, belief systems, cognitive biases, and problem-solving abilities. Cognitive factors significantly impact mental health as they affect how individuals interpret and respond to life events.
- Emotional factors: Including emotion regulation, emotional expression, and emotional experiences. Emotional health is a crucial part of mental health, involving how individuals manage and express their emotions and how they recover from negative emotions.
- Behavioral factors: Concerning an individual's behavior patterns, habits, and coping strategies. This includes stress management skills, social skills, and self-efficacy, which is the confidence in one's abilities.
- Social environment: Comprising external factors such as family, work, community, and cultural background, which have direct and indirect impacts on an individual's mental health.
- Physical health: There is a close relationship between physical and mental health. Good physical health can promote mental health and vice versa.
- Psychological resilience: Refers to an individual's ability to recover from adversity and adapt. Those with strong psychological resilience can bounce back from challenges and learn and grow from them.
- Prevention and intervention measures: The Mental Health Grand Model also includes strategies for preventing psychological issues and promoting mental health, such as psychological education, counseling, therapy, and social support systems.
- Assessment and diagnostic tools: Effective promotion of mental health requires scientific tools to assess individuals' psychological states and diagnose potential psychological issues.
- 【2024.7】Welcome to use the stable version of EmoLLM V2.0 for daily use and academic research. Model weight link: [OpenXLab](https://openxlab.org.cn/models/detail/ajupyter/EmoLLM_internlm2_7b_full/tree/main).
- 【2024.6】 Added [LLaMA-Factory](https://github.com/hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory)[GLM4-9B-chat fine-tuning guide](./doc/GLM-4-9B-chat%20Lora%20微调(llama-factory).md), added [swift-based fine-tuning guide](./swift/), the paper [ESC-Eval: Evaluating Emotion Support Conversations in Large Language Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.14952) cited EmoLLM and EmoLLM achieved good results.
- 【2024.05.28】The multi-turn dialogue dataset **CPsyCunD** and **professional evaluation method** used by EmoLLM have been released. For details, please see the 2024 ACL findings[《CPsyCoun: A Report-based Multi-turn Dialogue Reconstruction and Evaluation Framework for Chinese Psychological Counseling》](https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.16433)!
- [2024.05.08] EmoLLM**Daddy-like BF V0.1** is public now in [1. **Baidu AppBuilder**](https://appbuilder.baidu.com/s/4cLyw) and [2. **OpenXLab**](https://openxlab.org.cn/apps/detail/chg0901/EmoLLM3.0_Gradio_Llama3-8B-Instruct3.0), welcome to like and add it to your collections!
- [2024.05.04] [EmoLLM3.0 OpenXLab Demo](https://st-app-center-006861-9746-jlroxvg.openxlab.space/) based on LLaMA3_8b_instruct is available now ([restart link]((https://openxlab.org.cn/apps/detail/chg0901/EmoLLM-Llama3-8B-Instruct3.0))), [LLAMA3 fine-tuning guide](xtuner_config/README_llama3_8b_instruct_qlora_alpaca_e3_M.md) is updated, LLaMA3_8b_instruct-8B QLoRA fine-tuning model EmoLLM3.0 weights are released on [**OpenXLab**](https://openxlab.org.cn/models/detail/chg0901/EmoLLM-Llama3-8B-Instruct3.0) and [**ModelScope**](https://modelscope.cn/models/chg0901/EmoLLM-Llama3-8B-Instruct3.0/summary) platforms
- [2024.04.20] [LLAMA3 fine-tuning guide](xtuner_config/README_llama3_8b_instruct_qlora_alpaca_e3_M.md) and based on [LLaMA3_8b_instruct's aiwei](https://openxlab.org.cn/models/detail/ajupyter/EmoLLM-LLaMA3_8b_instruct_aiwei) open source
- [2023.04.14] Added [Quick Start](docs/quick_start_EN.md) and Nanny level tutorial [BabyEmoLLM](Baby_EmoLLM.ipynb)
- [2024.04.02] Uploaded at Huggingface [Old Mother Counsellor](https://huggingface.co/brycewang2018/EmoLLM-mother/tree/main)
- [2024.03.25] [Mother-like Therapist] is released on Huggingface (https://huggingface.co/brycewang2018/EmoLLM-mother/tree/main)
- [2024.03.25] [Daddy-like Boy-Friend] is released on Baidu Paddle-Paddle AI Studio Platform (https://aistudio.baidu.com/community/app/68787)
- [2024.03.24] The **InternLM2-Base-7B QLoRA fine-tuned model** has been released on the **OpenXLab** and **ModelScope** platforms. For more details, please refer to [**InternLM2-Base-7B QLoRA**](./xtuner_config/README_internlm2_7b_base_qlora.md).
- [2024.03.12] [aiwei] is released on Baidu Paddle-Paddle AI Studio Platform (https://aistudio.baidu.com/community/app/63335)
- [2024.03.11] **EmoLLM V2.0 is greatly improved in all scores compared to EmoLLM V1.0. Surpasses the performance of Role-playing ChatGPT on counseling tasks!** [Click to experience EmoLLM V2.0](https://openxlab.org.cn/apps/detail/Farewell1/EmoLLMV2.0), update [dataset statistics and details](./datasets/), [Roadmap](./assets/Roadmap_ZH.png)
- [2024.03.03] [Based on InternLM2-7B-chat full fine-tuned version EmoLLM V2.0 open sourced](https://openxlab.org.cn/models/detail/ajupyter/EmoLLM_internlm2_7b_full), need two A100*80G, update professional evaluation, see [evaluate](./evaluate/), update PaddleOCR-based PDF to txt tool scripts, see [scripts](./scripts/).
- [2024.02.29] Updated objective assessment calculations, see [evaluate](./evaluate/) for details. A series of datasets have also been updated, see [datasets](./datasets/) for details.
- [2024.02.27] Updated English README and a series of datasets (licking dogs and one-round dialogue)
- [2024.02.23]The "Gentle Lady Psychologist Ai Wei" based on InternLM2_7B_chat_qlora was launched. [Click here to obtain the model weights](https://openxlab.org.cn/models/detail/ajupyter/EmoLLM_aiwei), [configuration file](xtuner_config/aiwei-internlm2_chat_7b_qlora.py), [online experience link](https://openxlab.org.cn/apps/detail/ajupyter/EmoLLM-aiwei)
- [2024.02.23]Updated [several fine-tuning configurations](/xtuner_config/), added [data_pro.json](/datasets/data_pro.json) (more quantity, more comprehensive scenarios, richer content) and [aiwei.json](/datasets/aiwei.json) (dedicated to the gentle lady role-play, featuring Emoji expressions), the "Gentle Lady Psychologist Ai Wei" is coming soon.
- [2024.02.18] The full fine-tuned version based on Qwen1_5-0_5B-Chat has been [open-sourced](https://www.modelscope.cn/models/aJupyter/EmoLLM_Qwen1_5-0_5B-Chat_full_sft/summary). Friends with limited computational resources can now dive in and explore it.
- [2024.02.06] [Open-sourced based on the Qwen1_5-0_5B-Chat full-scale fine-tuned version](https://www.modelscope.cn/models/aJupyter/EmoLLM_Qwen1_5-0_5B-Chat_full_sft/summary), friends with limited computing power can start experimenting~
- [2024.02.05] The project has been promoted by the official WeChat account NLP Engineering. Here's the [link](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/78lrRl2tlXEKUfElnkVx4A) to the article. Welcome everyone to follow!! 🥳🥳
- The project won the ***the Innovation and Creativity Award*** in the **2024 Puyuan Large Model Series Challenge Spring Competition held by the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory**
<imgsrc="assets/Shusheng.png"alt="Challenge Innovation and Creativity Award">
- The project has been promoted by the official WeChat account **NLP Engineering**. Here's the [link](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/78lrRl2tlXEKUfElnkVx4A).
- 🎉 Thanks to the following media and friends for their coverage and support of our project(Listed below in no particular order! Sorry for any omissions, we appreciate it! Feel free to add!): [NLP工程化](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/78lrRl2tlXEKUfElnkVx4A), [机智流](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_wMCmssRMGd0Oz5OVVkjAA), [爱可可爱生活](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4WaCg4OpkCWXEuWHuV4r3w), [阿郎小哥](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_MSMeL1XHP0v5lDi3YaPVw), [大模型日知路](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/FYYibsCXtfU6FFM9TuKILA), [AI Code](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yDWGY3S4CwCi6U_irsFmqA), etc!
- The model evaluation is divided into **General Metrics Evaluation** and **Professional Metrics Evaluation**,Please read the [evaluation guide](evaluate/README.md) for reference.
- [LMDeploy](https://github.com/InternLM/lmdeploy/): for quantitative deployment
- [Stremlit](https://streamlit.io/): for building demos
- [DeepSpeed](https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed): for parallel training
- …
#### How to participate in this project
Contributions make the open-source community an excellent place for learning, inspiration, and creation. Any contribution you make is greatly appreciated.
1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
### Version control
This project uses Git for version control. You can see the currently available versions in the repository.
| [MING-ZCH](https://github.com/MING-ZCH) | Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Undergraduate student | LLM X Mental health researcher | Project co-leader |
| [chg0901](https://github.com/chg0901) | Ph.D Student of Kwangwoon University in South Korea| [MiniSora](https://github.com/mini-sora/minisora) | Project co-leader |
<imgwidth="30%"src="https://github.com/SmartFlowAI/EmoLLM/assets/62385492/55ecd0aa-4832-4269-ad57-4c26f9aa286b"alt="EmoLLM official communication group">